Does Vaping Cause Snoring? Unveiling the Truth

Last updated: August 25th, 2024

Vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking cigarettes, with millions of people worldwide believing it to be a safer option.

However, recent studies have started to unveil the truth about the potential health risks associated with vaping, including its connection to snoring and sleep apnea.

Are you aware of the impact vaping can have on your sleep and overall health, and does vaping cause snoring?


Key Takeaways

  • People who vape tend to snore more often and louder than their those who don’t smoke or have quit smoking.

  • Understanding vaping and its effects is essential to identify potential health risks.

  • Nicotine can have a detrimental effect on sleep quality, intensifying snoring and other symptoms of sleep apnea.

Understanding Vaping and Its Effects

Vaping involves inhaling aerosol from e-cigarettes containing nicotine, chemicals, and flavorings as an alternative to smoking cigarettes. Nicotine is both highly addictive and toxic. It is found in both cigarettes and e-cigarettes.

Nicotine Side Effects

  • Elevated blood pressure

  • Headaches

  • Persistent cough

  • Increased adrenaline levels

  • Nasal blockage

  • Diarrhea

  • Heartburn

Given that about 31 million Americans continue to smoke cigarettes, cigars, or vape, it’s vital to comprehend the potential health risks that vaping poses.

Vaping can impede restful sleep, increase snoring, and has both inflammatory and stimulant effects, making it a detrimental habit similar to smoking cigarettes.

The Rise of E-Cigarettes

The history of e-cigarettes dates back to the early 2000s, when a Chinese pharmacist named Hon Lik developed the first device in 2003 as a potential method to help people quit smoking.

Although e-cigarettes do not contain tobacco, they still contain harmful substances such as nicotine, chemicals, and flavorings. As a result, quitting smoking through vaping remains a controversial method.

Medical professionals are now observing the effects of vaping on lung health, blood pressure, and sleep. Furthermore, research on the efficacy of vaping as a smoking cessation method is limited, and it is not currently recommended by the FDA or the CDC, as nicotine withdrawal symptoms can still occur when using e-cigarettes.

Nicotine's Impact on Sleep and Snoring


Nicotine negatively influences sleep quality, hindering those who vape from getting a sound night’s rest. As a stimulant, nicotine increases the release of neurotransmitters, influencing the functioning of the nervous system and causing sleep disturbances such as prolonged sleep onset latency. This makes it difficult to fall asleep and can potentially make sleep apnea worse.

Moreover, studies suggest that nicotine can lead to inflammation in the airways, thereby intensifying snoring and other symptoms of sleep apnea.

Vaping and Its Connection to Snoring

Vaping and its connection to snoring stem from the presence of nicotine and other chemicals that cause inflammation and irritation in the airways. Research has indicated that vaping may lead to increased upper airway inflammation and disruption of circadian rhythm, which can exacerbate snoring and other sleep apnea symptoms.

Consequently, people who smoke or vape tend to snore more often and louder than their counterparts who don’t smoke or have quit smoking.

Additionally, exposure to passive cigarette smoke also increases the probability of snoring.

Vaping's Influence on Sleep Apnea


Vaping can aggravate sleep apnea symptoms by inducing inflammation and disrupting breathing while asleep. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a medical condition that results in disturbances to peaceful and restorative sleep, and treating sleep apnea can be more challenging for those who smoke or vape.

By causing inflammation of the upper airway and disturbance of the circadian rhythm, vaping can amplify the severity of snoring and other OSA symptoms, thereby worsening the condition.

Current smokers, with their smoking habit, tend to be diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea at an earlier age when compared to non-smokers, highlighting the importance of quitting smoking.

Strategies for Quitting Vaping and Improving Sleep

Quitting vaping can lead to improved sleep quality and reduced snoring, benefiting both your health and well-being. Strategies for quitting vaping include medical interventions and lifestyle changes that can help you overcome your vaping habit and improve your sleep.

Medical Quitting Strategies

Medical quitting strategies that may be employed to quit smoking and vaping include:

  • Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT): This technique provides the body with nicotine in a less hazardous and less addictive form than vaping or smoking, helping to manage nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

  • Prescription medications: Certain medications can help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting smoking and vaping.

  • Support from healthcare professionals: Seeking guidance and support from healthcare professionals, such as doctors or counselors, can greatly increase the chances of successfully quitting smoking and vaping.

Bupropion SR and Varenicline are among the most commonly prescribed medications for quitting vaping. Managing these nicotine withdrawal symptoms with the help of healthcare professionals is vital to enhance the likelihood of successfully giving up vaping.


Lifestyle Changes for Better Sleep

Lifestyle changes for better sleep may include:

  • Establishing a consistent sleep schedule

  • Creating a calming atmosphere in one’s bedroom

  • Engaging in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation

  • Abstaining from electronic devices before bed

  • Taking a warm bath or shower

  • Drinking a cup of herbal tea

  • Reading a book or performing gentle stretching exercises prior to bed

These relaxing bedtime routines may aid in obtaining a good night’s sleep, ensuring better deep sleep and preventing sleep apnea from getting worse.

Abstaining from stimulants, such as caffeine found in coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate, as well as stimulant medications such as methylphenidate (Ritalin), amphetamines (Adderall), and modafinil (Nuvigil) should be avoided, similar to the avoidance of smoking cigarettes for better sleep.

Sleep Apnea Treatment Options

There are several sleep apnea treatment options available to help alleviate symptoms and improve sleep quality, including snoring mouthpieces, nasal strips, sprays, and irrigation.

These treatments can help you achieve better sleep and improve your overall health, especially if you are in the process of quitting vaping.

Snoring Mouthpieces

Snoring mouthpieces, otherwise known as oral appliances, operate in the treatment of sleep apnea by advancing the jaw or tongue, which facilitates the maintenance of an open airway during sleep, thereby decreasing the incidence of apnea episodes.

Oral appliance therapy is a non-invasive treatment for snoring reduction, which involves the use of a dental appliance that is worn during sleep to help maintain an open airway and prevent snoring.

Nasal Strips, Sprays and Irrigation

Nasal strips, sprays, and irrigation are employed to clear nasal passages and diminish snoring caused by nasal congestion. Nasal strips function by widening the nostrils and augmenting airflow, thus assisting in the reduction of snoring caused by nasal congestion. Some effective nasal strips for reducing snoring are Breathe Right and Clear Passage nasal strips.

Nasal sprays, such as Asonor Snoring Nasal Spray, SnoreStop NasoSpray, and nasal steroid sprays, can also assist in relieving nasal congestion and enhancing nasal breathing during sleep.

The Benefits of Quitting Vaping for Sleep and Overall Health


Quitting vaping can have immediate benefits on sleep quality, including improved sleep patterns, reduced sleep disturbances, and decreased daytime sleepiness.

Cessation of vaping may resolve minor signs of sleep apnea, as well as enhance general sleep quality. In addition, quitting vaping can reduce the likelihood of developing chronic diseases, such as chronic lung diseases and respiratory diseases, which have been associated with vaping.

When you quit vaping, it marks a meaningful stride towards bettering your sleep and overall health.


In conclusion, vaping has been linked to snoring and sleep apnea, negatively impacting sleep quality and overall health. Quitting vaping can lead to better sleep, reduced snoring, and a lower risk of chronic diseases.

Medical quitting strategies and lifestyle changes are available to help you quit vaping, and various sleep apnea treatment options can further improve your sleep quality.

Take charge of your well-being and embark on a journey towards a healthier, more restful sleep by quitting vaping today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can vaping make me snore?

Vaping may lead to dehydration, inflammation and irritation in the throat, which can result in snoring. Therefore, vaping can potentially make you snore.

Can vaping affect your sleep?

Vaping does affect sleep, especially for those newly transitioning from smoking. This is a common and frustrating experience during the transition period, but it should pass.

Does vaping cause sleep apnea?

Vaping can be a contributing factor to sleep apnea, as it irritates your airways and increases blood pressure and heart rate, which can affect the quality of your sleep.

Is vaping an effective way to quit smoking?

Vaping is a controversial method to quit smoking due to its containing of harmful substances, so it may not be the most effective way to do so.

What are some medical quitting strategies for vaping?

Medical quitting strategies for vaping include nicotine replacement therapy, prescription medications, and support from healthcare professionals to help quit and stay away from vaping.


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