Why Do Men Snore More Than Women?

Last updated: August 21st, 2024

Ever wondered why your partner’s snoring could wake a hibernating bear, while you barely make a peep? Well, it turns out, the stars of the nightly noise fest tend to be men. But why do men snore more than women? Let’s unravel this noisy mystery together!

Key Takeaways

  • Men are more prone to snoring due to their larger oropharynx, airway structure, and soft tissue differences, contributing to airway obstruction and vibrations.

  • Hormones significantly impact snoring: testosterone can worsen sleep apnea in men, while female hormones like estrogen and progesterone protect against snoring but decrease in effectiveness after menopause.

  • Lifestyle factors like weight gain, particularly around the neck for men, and alcohol consumption can exacerbate snoring for both sexes, while sleep position changes and medical interventions like CPAP machines or surgery can help manage it.

Anatomy and Physiology of Snoring

Illustration of male and female airway structures

Snoring might seem like a simple, albeit annoying, part of life. But the reality is, it’s a rather complex process involving several factors. For starters, snoring occurs when relaxed tissues in the airway start vibrating due to the flow of air as we breathe. Now, the intriguing part is that men are more likely to orchestrate these nocturnal concerts. But why?

It boils down to the unique features of men’s airways. Males have a larger oropharynx, more pressure on the soft tissues of the mouth, and different facial structures, such as a small jaw or shallow midface, which make them more prone to snoring. And, as we age, both genders tend to snore more, but the proportion of snoring women increases significantly after the age of 50, possibly due to changes in female sex hormones. So, yeah, around 40% of adult men are habitual snorers compared to 24% of women, which is why men snore more often and, in fact, men snore more than women.

The Male Airway Structure

We’ll examine the structure of the male airway. The oropharynx, which houses crucial muscles for keeping the airway open, is larger in men. This bigger oropharynx might have more soft tissue that can block the airway and vibrate during sleep, potentially causing snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.

Men usually have a larger neck and extra fat around the upper airway as well. This can cause the airway to get blocked when lying down, leading to more snoring and potentially sleep disorders.

A longer collapsible part of the upper airway and the lower position of the larynx in adult men also add to the likelihood of airway collapse during sleep, which can be influenced by upper airway muscle activity.

Soft Tissue Differences

The difference in snoring between genders isn’t limited to airway size and structure. It also extends to the soft tissue in the airway. Men have a larger cross-sectional area in their soft palate compared to women, meaning there’s more tissue available to generate those snoring sounds.

This soft tissue, a blend of bone structure, fat build-up, and tissue layout, differs significantly from the airway structure in women. This difference in soft tissue structure could impact the frequency and type of snoring, making it a topic of interest in critical care medicine.

Hormonal Factors in Snoring

Illustration of hormonal factors in snoring

Shifting our focus to hormones, they play a significant role in snoring. You might be surprised to learn that hormones play a significant role in snoring. Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, has been linked with snoring and sleep apnea in men. On the flip side, female hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, serve as protectors against snoring by maintaining steady airflow and enhancing the muscles in the tongue.

However, as women age and enter menopause, the protective effects of these female hormones decrease. This hormonal shift can lead to an increase in snoring and potentially disordered breathing during sleep. Interestingly, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) might help restore these protective effects and reduce the occurrence of sleep apnea in women.

Testosterone's Role in Snoring

One may wonder, how exactly testosterone contributes to snoring? Testosterone can disrupt sleep quality and increase the chances of sleep apnea. Lower testosterone levels are associated with more snoring, and testosterone therapy can worsen obstructive sleep apnea. This hormone can also directly affect sleep through its effects on the central nervous system.

In women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), higher testosterone levels can lead to snoring and a higher chance of developing obstructive sleep apnea. This connection between PCOS and snoring highlights the role that hormones play in sleep disordered breathing, regardless of gender.

Protective Effects of Female Hormones

Contrarily, female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone serve as a shield against snoring and sleep apnea. They help maintain steady breathing during sleep, reducing the risk of airflow disruption and airway collapse.

Estrogen helps keep the upper airway muscles strong and flexible, which can reduce snoring. However, when estrogen levels are low, especially in middle-aged women, it can increase the likelihood of snoring and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. Progesterone, another female hormone, increases tongue muscle activity during sleep, preventing the airway from collapsing and helping reduce snoring.

Lifestyle and Health Factors

Photo of a person measuring waist circumference

Anatomical and hormonal differences significantly contribute to snoring, but lifestyle and health factors also play a part. For instance, habits like smoking, using sleeping pills or sedatives, and even the type of food you consume can affect snoring,.

Weight gain and alcohol consumption are particularly noteworthy. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Men tend to gain fat around the neck, which can increase the chance of airway collapse and snoring.

  • Women gain fat in other areas, which can also contribute to snoring.

  • Alcohol consumption can relax the airway muscles, leading to increased snoring in both genders.

Weight Gain and Snoring

The location of fat deposition holds significance when discussing weight gain. Normal women typically store fat in their hips and thighs, while men accumulate fat around their abdomen and neck. This neck fat can lead to airway collapse and snoring.

Moreover, a larger neck can mean more fat around the airway and base of the tongue, contributing to snoring. In general, gaining extra weight can lead to additional soft tissue in your mouth and throat, which can block your airway during sleep and cause snoring.

Alcohol and Snoring

How does alcohol influence our nightly symphony? When you drink alcohol, it relaxes the muscles in your airway, leading to airway blockages, sleep apnea, and, you guessed it, snoring.

Drinking alcohol relaxes the muscles and tissues in the throat, leading to more airway obstruction and louder snoring, in both men and women. Interestingly, research has shown that consuming alcohol, especially before bedtime, can exacerbate snoring and disrupt sleep quality, leading to lower oxygen levels during sleep.

Sleep Apnea and Gender Differences

Illustration of sleep apnea differences in men and women

While our discussion has largely centered around habitual snoring, we should not ignore that snoring is often indicative of a more serious condition, namely sleep apnea. Sleep apnea affects twice as many men as women, but women may exhibit atypical forms of the condition, causing frequent misdiagnosis and lower AHI scores.

Women may have different symptoms of sleep apnea, often leading to misdiagnoses, and their AHI scores are usually lower than men’s. Recent studies are focusing on these gender differences, particularly how menopausal syndrome can make women more prone to snoring.

Atypical Sleep Apnea in Women

Atypical sleep apnea in women is when the condition presents differently compared to men. Women are less likely to snore or have witnessed apnea but are more likely to experience:

  • fatigue

  • insomnia

  • headaches

  • mood disturbances

  • nightmares

Often, these atypical symptoms lead to misdiagnoses, with conditions like depression or insomnia being mistaken for sleep apnea. Hormonal changes, particularly during menopause, can exacerbate these symptoms and increase the likelihood of obstructive sleep apnea.

Snoring Solutions and Treatments

Having covered the causes of snoring, it’s time to address the solutions! From lifestyle changes to medical interventions, there are various ways to address snoring, regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman.

For some, simply adjusting their sleep position or losing weight could significantly reduce snoring. For others, a more targeted approach may be necessary, such as the use of oral appliances or even surgery,.

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Snoring

Simple lifestyle changes can greatly help in reducing snoring. For instance, losing weight can ease the pressure on airways, making it easier to breathe during sleep. It can also reduce the fat in the jaw and throat muscles, which can help with snoring.

Changing your sleep position can also have a significant impact. Sleeping on your back can cause your tongue and soft palate to collapse to the back of your throat, causing snoring. By switching to sleeping on your side, you can avoid this blockage and lessen snoring.

Of course, reducing alcohol consumption can also help, as it tones up throat muscles and cuts down on snoring.

Medical Interventions and Sleep Aids

Those with more severe snoring or sleep apnea might need medical interventions. Using a CPAP machine can help maintain steady breathing during sleep, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, and lessen daytime sleepiness for both the individual and their bed partner. In fact, sleep apnea increases the need for such interventions to ensure overall health and well-being.

Nasal dilators and strips can also help by opening up your nasal passages and making breathing easier. However, they might not be effective for sleep apnea. In more severe cases, surgeries like Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) and Tonsillectomy can be considered. However, understanding the potential risks and benefits before opting for surgical intervention is necessary.


As we’ve seen, snoring is a complex issue influenced by a variety of factors, from the structure of our airways to hormonal influences and lifestyle habits. While men are generally more prone to snoring due to anatomical and physiological differences, women are not immune, especially after menopause.

While snoring can be a nuisance, it’s essential to remember that it’s often a sign of a more serious issue like sleep apnea. Fortunately, there are numerous strategies to address snoring, from lifestyle changes to medical interventions. If you or your loved one is a chronic snorer, it’s time to take action! Don’t let the snores steal your peaceful nights!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is snoring more common in men than women?

Men tend to have larger upper airways and lower larynx, leading to a higher chance of tissues relaxing and causing snoring during sleep. Additionally, the accumulation of fat in the upper chest and neck can further contribute to airway constriction.

Why do men snore so loudly?

Men snore loudly because they tend to have larger oropharynx, bigger upper airways, and lower larynx, as well as carry more fat in their upper chest and neck, which can press against their airways. Additionally, when they fall into a deep sleep, the muscles in the roof of their mouth, tongue, and throat relax.

How do you stop a man from snoring?

To help stop someone from snoring, try these tips: encourage weight loss, have them sleep on their side, use nasal strips or a nasal dilator, and avoid alcohol and sedatives. These methods can help reduce or quiet snoring effectively.

How does weight gain affect snoring?

Weight gain, especially around the neck, can increase the risk of airway collapse and snoring. So, maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce snoring.

How can alcohol consumption affect snoring?

Drinking alcohol can relax the muscles in your airway, which can make you snore more loudly. It's best to avoid alcohol close to bedtime if snoring is a concern.


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